Revised Local Reference (RLR) Diagram for BETIO

Station ID: 1804

RLR diagram based on the information in the datum section below

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Datum information

Add 5.267m to all data values to refer to RLR
RLR is 8.800m below primary benchmark KIR 1

Ellipsoidal information from SONEL (explanation)

GNSSSolutionHeightVelocityEpochGNSS StartGNSS EndDistance
KIRIULR7a25.376 ± 0.021-0.61 ± 0.322020.00002002-07-292023-03-231618
KIRINGL1425.370 ± 0.021-0.13 ± 0.632020.00002002-07-292023-03-231618
KIRIJPL1425.368 ± 0.020-0.60 ± 0.472020.00002002-07-292023-03-231618
KIRIGT325.391 ± 0.0200.18 ± 0.302020.00002002-07-292023-03-231618