Station Information

Station ID: 157
Latitude: -34.6
Longitude: -58.366667
Coastline code: 860
Station code: 151
Time span of data: 1905 – 1987
Completeness (%): 100
Date of last update: 14 May 1991

Green Arrow: Current Station
Yellow Marker: Neighbouring RLR Station
Red Marker: Neighbouring Metric Station

Please note: In many cases, the station position in our database is accurate to only one minute. Thus, the tide gauge may not appear to be on the coast.

Additional Data Sources (guide to additional data sources)

Nearby GNSS Stations from SONEL: BUE2, BUE1, IGM1, MA02

Station Documentation

Link to RLR information.

Documentation - date unknown


Documentation added 1991-06-11

Buenos Aires 860/151 RLR(1977) is 25.2m below Peristilo de la Catedral

Documentation added 1993-07-29

Anomalously large value in April 1959 - correct as received from
authority - also seen in other records (e.g. Isla Martin Garcia
PSMSL code 860/171).

Documentation added 1998-10-13

The smoothed, normalized and detrended Buenos Aires monthly mean time
series shows a high correlation with the Southern Oscillation Index,
presumably through the influence of river flow (Bruce Douglas, private
communication, October 1998)

Documentation added 2019-05-07

The current supplying authority has supplied the following information concerning this historic site:- 'This tide station belonged to a government institution until approximately 1990. Currently it belongs to the private company Hidrovia S.A.'

Data Authority

Servicio de Hidrografia Naval
Departmento Oceanografia
Av. Montes de Oca 2124
1271 Buenos Aires