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We would like to advertise the Planet Under Pressure conference in London during 26-29 March 2012, which will be one of the largest climate and environment conferences in recent years.
From the informational flier: "The conference will provide a comprehensive update of the pressure planet Earth is now under. The conference will discuss solutions at all scales to move societies on to a sustainable pathway. It will provide scientific leadership towards the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio+20."
The convenors listed below have arranged for a session on past and future sea level to take place on the second day of the conference. It is now possible to submit abstracts for it on the session web page. Please consider submitting an abstract by the closing date of 16th of September.
We believe that this session will be one of the best attended of the conference, and we expect it to attract contributions across the sea level science and coastal engineering spectrum to take in sea level change and its impacts from the longest (paleo-) timescales to the shortest.
The format is for science to be presented in poster sessions but to be reviewed in a discussion session chaired by a leading journalist. That discussion is expected to touch on the main science points as well as issues to do with coastal policy changes and mitigation of impacts.
Convenors: Philip Woodworth, Svetlana Jevrejeva, Simon Holgate, Mark Siddall, Anders Carlson, Andrea Dutton, Ben Horton