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We have posted a new tool for exploring the trends in relative sea level from the tide gauge data at the PSMSL. One can examine the trends over different periods of time by sliding the start and end markers. One interesting aspect to note is the geographic sampling of the data. By choosing the entire time span, 1900-2010, you can observe the lack of data covering this period in the Southern Hemisphere and western Pacific. More data is available if the start date is moved up to 1950, but unfortunately there is still a lack of geographic coverage in the Southern Hemisphere.
We hope that this will be a useful tool for people to view the long term changes in sea level. The page contains contains a link to description of the methods used to calculate the trends. In addition, there is a standard warning that the suitability of a particular trend has not been evaluated for each station. Thus individual results should not be considered publication quality or used for planning or policy making.