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15 Feb 2012
The National Oceanography Centre Liverpool is organising a session at the Planet Under Pressure conference called “Past and Present Sea Level Rise and Ice Sheets”. The session will take the form of poster presentations by scientists together with a 90 minute panel discussion. The panel discussion will take place on the second day of the conference, on Tuesday 27 March at 1400 in Room 8 (the location should be checked on the day).
David Shukman, the BBC science correspondent, has agreed to chair the discussion, with a panel listed below. He will invite questions from the floor, but he may of course have some of his own, and the panel will attempt to answer together with contributions from the audience. David Shukman is an excellent person to chair this event having reported from Greenland and other remote regions on sea level science and glaciology.
There will be three main topics for discussion:
The invited panel, besides David Shukman, is
For more information, please visit the main Planet Under Pressure web site or the detailed description of our sea level and ice sheet session. For more information contact Prof. Philip Woodworth (