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Organizing Committee:
Please see below for the meeting programme.
Poster papers will be displayed for the duration of the meeting. Those wishing to contribute a paper should send a brief outline to the chairman. We anticipate at least one historical display on pelagic (bottom pressure) technology. Other topics, appropriate to the longstanding interests of David Cartwright, will be welcome.
There will be a conference registration fee of 50 pounds (U.S. $80), which covers meeting costs and includes coffee, tea, and buffet luncheon on both days and a reception the evening of Monday the 21st. Persons not requiring the luncheons/reception may register for 15 pounds; persons who are members of the JAG and do not require luncheons/reception may register without charge. Cheques should be made payable to "Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory." Payment in pounds may be made by International Money Order, Euro-cheque or sterling cheques drawn on a British clearing bank. Payment in dollars may be made by personal cheque. We cannot accept credit cards. Cheques should be sent by 1 October to:
Mary Williams, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston Observatory, Birkenhead, Merseyside L437RA, U.K.
The Royal Society building is located at 6 Carlton House Terrace, just off Waterloo Place, about two blocks southwest of Trafalgar Square. The London underground stations at Piccadilly Circus and Charing Cross are short 5-minute walks away. See the location map.
There are, of course, many choices of London hotels, although they tend to be slightly expensive. The Royal Society has arranged special discounted rates at selected hotels for guests attending their meetings and conferences. Reservations can be made through the British Hotel Reservation Centre. In addition to these choices, we have compiled a list of London hotels that are recommended by the U.K. NERC.
For further information about the Tidal Science 1996 meeting,
please contact the chairman:
R. D. Ray, HSTX, NASA/GSFC, Code 926, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA;
tel: 301-286-3691 fax: 301-286-1760 email: Richard.Ray@gsfc.nasa.gov
Preliminary Programme for the Meeting
MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 ------------------ 8:00 Check-in and Posting of posters 9:00 R Ray, "Introduction to the symposium" 9:15 W Munk, "Twice again - tidal friction" 10:15 C Le Provost, F Lyard, "Energetics of the barotropic ocean tides: an estimate of the bottom friction dissipation from hydrodynamic models" 10:45 BREAK 11:10 D Cartwright, "Thoughts on the spring-neap cycle of tidal dissipation" 11:40 G Egbert, "Tidal data assimilation: interpolation and inversion" 12:10 LUNCHEON BUFFET 13:30 A Stigebrandt, "Tidally forced diapycnic mixing and vertical circulation in fjord basins and the ocean" 14:00 B Dushaw, P Worcester, B Cornuelle, B Howe, "Line-integral observations of the internal tide in the central North Pacific and western North Atlantic oceans" 14:30 R Ray, G Mitchum, S Chiswell, "Two aspects of observed internal tides in the deep ocean: altimetry vs island gauges" 15:00 R Glazman, "Baroclinic inertia-gravity wave turbulence induced by barotropic tides" 15:20 BREAK and POSTER SESSION 19:00 RECEPTION and BUFFET (R.S. Dining Room, i.e. lower level) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 ------------------- 9:00 D Webb, "From Hawaii to the Moon's orbit: contributions to the linear theory of the tides" 9:45 J Wahr, "Why ocean tide models can be useful for studying the earth's deep interior" 10:15 R Eanes, "Tidal dissipation in the solid earth at 12 hours and at 18 years" 10:45 BREAK 11:10 T Baker, D Curtis, "Developments in tidal gravity and ocean tide loading" 11:40 B Chao, R Ray, "Ocean tidal angular momentum and the earth's rotation" 12:10 LUNCHEON BUFFET 13:30 D Prandle, "Tidal impacts in shallow seas and estuaries: marine biology, water quality, bathymetry, energy, and climate" 14:15 R Flather, J Smith, M Amin, "Recent progress with modelling tides in shelf and coastal seas" 14:45 L Bode, L Mason, "Tidal behaviour adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef" 15:15 BREAK 15:45 C Wunsch, D Haidvogel, R Hughes, "Dynamics and dissipation of the long period tides" 16:30 D Cartwright, "Concluding remarks" POSTER PAPERS: -------------- E Alvarez, I Rodriguez, "Three dimensional numerical simulation of tides on the Atlantic Spanish coasts" O Andersen, "Multi-satellite ocean tide modelling. How can we improve K1 ?" B Dushaw, G Egbert, P Worcester, B Cornuelle, B Howe, K Metzger, "Validation of a Topex/Poseidon global tidal model using barotropic tidal currents determined from long-range acoustic transmissions" P Glorioso, "Modelling the barotropic circulation on the Patagonian Shelf" R Gross, B Chao, S Desai, "Effect of long period ocean tides on the Earth's rotation" L Kantha, C Tierney, "Global baroclinic tides" G Kivman, "Modeling tides in the Arctic Ocean with data assimilation" F-P Lam, "Extraordinary tidal currents at the Greenland shelf edge" M Llubes, P Mazzega, "Testing recent global tide models with loading gravimetric data" R Luettich, J Westerink, "Sensitivity studies with a finite element tidal model of the western North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea" F Lyard, "The Arctic tides from a finite-element model: results and energetics" B Perez, M Garcia, J Mezcua, C Gamundi, I Rodriguez, J Molinero, A Barbadillo, J Rico, "RIMA: Integrated Spanish Tide Gauges Network" R Ray, "A global view of internal tides in the deep ocean" L Rickards, "UK, WOCE and GLOSS tide gauge networks and data sets" M Schenewerk, T vanDam, G Mader, "An estimate of ocean-loading effects on baseline repeatability from GPS observations" T Sherwin, G Jeans, "Observations of solitary internal waves on the Iberian shelf and interpretation by a non-linear internal tide generation model" A Smith, O Andersen, "Errors in recent ocean tide models: origin and cause" M Smithson, "Modelling the response of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf to the ocean tides" A Souza, J Simpson, "The modification of tidal ellipses by stratification in the Rhine ROFI" R Spencer, P Foden, G Hargreaves, "Remote island sea level instrumentation in the South Atlantic and Antarctic" Y Zhu, B Peng, H Hsu, "Ocean tide parameters recovered from SLR to LAGEOS"