Donate to PSMSL
27 Jan 2012
With a recent grant from the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council, the PSMSL is working to greatly improve its provision of data from in-situ ocean bottom pressure recorders (OBPRs) from all possible sources, a remit given to the PSMSL by IAPSO in 1999. In order to provide a valuable product to the community, we like to gather views on what would be most useful.
Thus, we have created web page outlining our proposal for the new product, as well as asking several questions. This proposal currently is located as the the main page for a new "Bottom Pressure Records" section in the Data portion of our website. This page also includes links to the existing OBPRs available scattered across various PSMSL/BODC/NOC websites. Please take the time to review this proposal and provide feedback.