Station Information

Station ID: 1112
Latitude: 57.89525
Longitude: -5.157889
Coastline code: 170
Station code: 249
Time span of RLR data: 1981 – 2022
RLR completeness (%): 85
Time span of metric data: 1965 – 2022
Metric completeness (%): 79
MTL Data: 1965
MTL-MSL (mm): -73
Date of last update: 02 Feb 2023

Green Arrow: Current Station
Yellow Marker: Neighbouring RLR Station
Red Marker: Neighbouring Metric Station

Please note: In many cases, the station position in our database is accurate to only one minute. Thus, the tide gauge may not appear to be on the coast.

Additional Data Sources (guide to additional data sources)

Nearby GNSS Stations from SONEL: ULLO, ULLP, ULLA
Nearby Real Time Stations from VLIZ: ulla

Station Documentation

Link to RLR information.

Documentation - date unknown

Ullapool 1978 charts badly trimmed , data unreliable1979 Sept-Oct results suspect 1980 very bad damp and badly maintained. 1965 values based on high and low waters.

Documentation added 1991-06-11

Ullapool 170/249 RLR(1984) is 11.2m below TGBM NH1288 9391

Documentation added 1994-07-20

A Lea stilling well gauge was installed in April 1963, replaced by a Munro in the same well in 1981. Since May 1987 the gauge has been an "A Class" bubbler system.

Documentation added 2001-01-02

Recent work on vertical land movements in the UK can be found from the University of Nottingham web site: http://ukcogr.iessg.nottingham.ac.uk/~eosi/

Documentation added 2014-07-04

During 2013 TGI visited the Ullapool site twice. 27.03.2013 for general maintenance and 17.07.2013 again for general maintenance, to change the compressor and and seal leaks in the hut roof joint.

Documentation added 2015-06-02

There was an electrical fault at site from the end of September through to November.TGI were at site 3.10.14 for General maintenance,change the compressor and to rectify water/damp damage and refurbishment.

Documentation added 2016-01-22

A value of MTL-MSL=-73 mm has been derived using the GESLA2 (high-frequency tide gauge) dataset using harmonic constituents. As the correction is only applied to RLR data and the data from 1965 is metric, it is not used in the data set. Should this period become metric in future, however, it would be used. The 001 flag has been set only because this correction is highly uncertain.

Data Authority

Environment Agency
Horizon House
Deanery Road