Station Information

Station ID: 1369
Latitude: 21.95
Longitude: 88.016667
Coastline code: 500
Station code: 109
Country: INDIA
Time span of data: 1974 – 2006
Completeness (%): 96
Date of last update: 15 Apr 2009

Green Arrow: Current Station
Yellow Marker: Neighbouring RLR Station
Red Marker: Neighbouring Metric Station

Please note: In many cases, the station position in our database is accurate to only one minute. Thus, the tide gauge may not appear to be on the coast.

Station Documentation

Link to RLR information.

Documentation added 1991-06-11

Gangra 500/109 RLR(1978) is 11.7m below BM GTS

Documentation added 1994-08-04

For a discussion of interannual variability of sea level along the coasts of Pakistan and India, see Clarke and Liu, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24, 1224, 1994.

Documentation added 2002-12-06

SMRC Newsletter Jul-Dec 2001 reports high E coast correlation with SOI and MSL. MSL is much higher during La Nina tropical cyclones than during El Nino.

Documentation added 2012-10-09

Gangra is now an historic station.Last data is 2006.

Data Authority

Survey of India
Geodetic and Research Branch
17 E.C. Road
Dehra Dun
PIN 248 001