NDBC 55042 - Tasman Sea 2 - 1175 km ESE of Hobart


Latitude: -44.8530
Longitude: 161.7280
Start of first deployment: 2011-05-07
End of last deployment: 2014-10-20
Ocean region: 2.4

Green arrow: Current Bottom Pressure Location
Yellow Marker: Other Bottom Pressure Location

All Data

Image of daily data time series

Download hourly data from the best channel for each deployment at this location.Download daily data from the best channel for each deployment at this location.

Deployments (best channel from each deployment)

Go to page with all data from this deployment.
Start End Latitude Longitude Depth Data Metadata
2011-05-072011-12-16-44.853161.728482355042_1111: HourlyDailyTide
2013-08-192014-10-20-44.853161.728482355042_1314: HourlyDailyTide


Australian Bureau of Meteorology
GPO Box 1289
Melbourne VIC 3001
(700 Collins Street, Docklands)