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This page provides a short description and file with data of global sea level reconstruction for the period 1807-2010 by Jevrejeva, S., J. C. Moore, A. Grinsted, A. P. Matthews and G. Spada. All questions about the data themselves should be addressed to Dr. Svetlana Jevrejeva.
Authors have used 1277 tide gauge records of relative sea level (RSL) monthly mean time series from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) database [Holgate et al, 2013]. Detailed descriptions of the RSL time series are available from the data page at the PSMSL. No inverted barometer correction was applied. RSL data sets were corrected for local datum changes and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) of the solid Earth [Peltier, 2004].
More information about data and methods for the calculations of global
sea level and errors can be found in:
Jevrejeva, S., J.C. Moore, A. Grinsted, A.P. Matthews, G. Spada. 2014. Trends and acceleration in global and regional sea levels since 1807, Global and Planetary Change, vol 113, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.12.004
The data file can be downloaded by clicking here.
The file has five columns: